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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!
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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!


In order to make the most of all the learning opportunities, your child needs to be in school. We pride ourselves in having excellent attendance – our children love coming to school. We aim to make children’s learning experiences as stimulating and exciting as possible, so that they continue to love coming to school.


We ask that you play your part in ensuring children arrive promptly every day between 8:25am and 8:35am, ready to start the day at 8:40am. (Morning Club is available from 7:30am for those who need it).

Lunchtime is 12:00pm - 1:00pm.

School finishes at 3:10pm. 

An exciting programme of extra-currciular Clubs for all age groups run until 5:00pm every day.


Our most recent attendance figures are:

Annual attendance September 2022 to July 2023:  97.26%


Holidays in term time


Since September 2013 under official regulations schools are:

        NOT ALLOWED to authorise leave of absence for family holidays.

Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence for students during term time unless there are “exceptional” circumstances, for example: attendance at a funeral,


“exceptional” in this case meaning “unavoidable very important event”, not “exceptional” as in “opportunity to do something outside of the norm” like a holiday.


In summary

  • Schools are not allowed to authorise leave of absence for family holidays.
  • Any leave of absence requests can only be authorised by the Headteacher in exceptional circumstances.


Any requests for leave due to exceptional circumstances should be made on an official school ‘Leave of absence request form’ and handed in to the school office at least two weeks prior to any leave arrangements being made.


You may be issued with a penalty notice should leave be taken which is not authorised.

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