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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!
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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!

Class Photos

Alton Towers

Tudor Day with King Henry VIII

Brownlee Triathlon Event at Moorways, Derby

Learning how to add light and shade to artwork when painting

Investigating conductors and insulators in science

World Book Day

Investigating the colours of white light in art and the experimenting with primary colours to create a colour wheel

Class 4 enjoying a cricket workshop by Derbyshire County Cricket Club

Class 4 have enjoyed using the new iPads in computing. They learnt all about different formatting tools and then edited and formatted newspaper reports

Working in groups in English, to come up with ideas of what can be changed in our model text to help them write their own portal stories

Investigating electrical circuits in science

Using drama to explore our English text

Class 4 had an amazing time on the KS2 Whitehall Residential

Learning about the history of Christingles and making them for our Christingle Service

D&T - designing, making and evaluating Photograph Frames

Christmas Jumper Day

Year 5/6 Hockey Tournament

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Tournament

Children In Need

Art Week - Indian Art linked to Diwali

Clay Rooms visit - making clay snowmen

Science - Human Digestion

Class 4 performing dances with puppets with the Autin Dance Theatre

Looking at a pony’s skull and teeth in science

Setting up an experiment in science to investigate which liquids cause tooth decay

Embracing the British weather with sensory play at Forest School

Brailsford & District Ploughing Match

Class 4 enjoying their Forest School afternoon

As an introduction to our history topic ‘The Prehistoric World’, class 4 enjoyed bring archaeologists for the afternoon.

For this half term’s Collective Worship theme, class 4 wrote about what brings them ‘Joy’.

We Have Had 7 5 8 7 5 Visitors
PLEASE NOTE - Our phones are not working at the moment. If you need to contact school please email We will be having Open Days for prospective new families on Sunday 20th October, 2pm-4pm and Monday 11th November, 9:30am-11:30am and 1:15pm-3pm. No booking necessary
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