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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!
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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!

School Values and Ethos

Our vision and Christian values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


School Aims and Values


In a rapidly changing world, Osmaston CE (VC) Primary School has grown strong on foundations of Christianity and British Values.


We believe that all children deserve equal access to the very best educational experience that we can provide, which will prepare them for their journey through life.


We help children affirm their own sense of identity, as well as learning difference, whilst celebrating and valuing the diverse ethnic backgrounds of all people and cultures.


Our aim is to teach children how to keep themselves safe, whilst developing confident, caring and accomplished young adults who desire to go out into the world and take their place in society as leading citizens.


As a school community, we are very proud of our school and all its achievements. It is a feature of our school that we celebrate our very British values. At the forefront of our values is our strong Church of England ethos, where everyone is made welcome and God’s love is evident.


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