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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!
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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!

Collective Worship



"Using Our Gifts To Help Others Grow"


That's why I tell stories: to create readiness, to nudge people toward a welcome awakening.


"God's kingdom is like an acorn that a farmer plants.  It is quite small as seeds go, but in the course of years it grows into a huge oak tree, and eagles build nests in it."


Jesus asked,  "Are you starting to get a handle on all this?" 

                They answered, "Yes."

He said, "Then you see how every student well-trained in God's kingdom is like the owner of a general store who can put his hands on anything you need, old or new, exactly when you need it."



Our Christian Vision in more depth

Our School's Christian Values

Collective Worship led by Mr Clarke

Thank you Mr Clarke for an inspiring Collective Worship

These items represent different people within school and we talked about why we are thankful for them

Our Christian Value for this half term - Thankfulness

Thank you Valleycids for a great Collective Worship! We enjoyed being told the Bible story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Some of our wonderful Year 2 children helping to introduce our new Christian Value for the half term

Our ‘Joy’ Prayer Trees

Our wonderful ‘Respect’ prayer trees

Our trainee teacher, Miss Horobin, led a thought provoking Collective Worship

Mr Clarke’s reflective Collective Worship

Thank you Valleycids for a wonderful Collective Worship

Our older children leading our hymn

Thank you to Mr Clarke for a wonderful Collective Worship

Our lovely prayer trees - forgiveness

Easter Gold Star Collective worship

Our Palm Sunday service

Our 'Courage' prayer trees

Some great achievements in our Gold Star Collective Worship

One of the children enjoyed showing everyone their ancestor’s medals as the whole school discussed this half term’s Christian value, Courage

Thank you Mr Clarke, we enjoyed worshipping with song

Our wonderful helpers

A brilliant Harvest Service this morning

Thank you to our helpers for supporting in today’s Collective Worship

A great Collective Worship with Mr Clarke

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