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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!
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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!


 How is History taught?


History shapes who we are. It is in every family story, every building, every painting, map or archaeological discovery. Understanding history gives us a better knowledge of the world, of ourselves, and for different places and people. Our curriculum aims to develop children’s understanding of historical concepts and events, and how they continue to shape the world we live into today. 


In order for children to know more and remember more in each area of history studied, lessons are structured so that prior learning is always considered and opportunities for revision and retrieval of key dates, events and facts are built into lessons. Through revisiting and consolidating skills, children build on prior knowledge alongside introducing new skills and challenge. Additionally, revision and introduction of key vocabulary is built into each lesson.


Through each unit of work, we intend to inspire children to develop a love of history and see how it has shaped the world they live in. It is important for children to understand that the past influences the present and the future. We want to encourage children to learn that they can’t change history, but what they can do is learn about it and learn from it then use this information to help shape a better future. 

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