Class Teachers - Miss Williams
Class Teacher - Mrs Turner
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Spencer
Welcome to our class page! Come on in and take a look at our year 2 learners at work. Here you will find information about our learning.
We are always busy so check regularly!
What will my child learn in Class 2?
This year in Class 2, we will nurture and encourage the feelings of independent thinking, learning and decision making in readiness for children's next stage in learning. This is a calm and studious year; a year to embed all of the knowledge learnt in lower Key Stage 1.
Class 2 learners are increasingly encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning: to do their homework, to organise their own belongings and to remember their equipment daily. As a result, they will develop and grow in independence in preparation for bigger things to come.
As with other years in primary school, we follow the schemes of learning set by the government. Please click the links below to find out more.
For English, the single most important thing that you can do is to hear your child read. Good readers make good writers because they are exposed to a greater variety of vocabulary, syntax, grammar and style.
When you listen to your child read, there are a number of things to remember:
Of course, children in 2 are perfectly capable of reading to themselves as well, and independent reading (and writing) must also be encouraged. However, it is important that those comprehension skills are regularly checked and reading aloud is perfect for that.
There are lots of free eBooks on the eBook library — a quick and easy way to expose children to different books without spending a lot of money.
In maths, there is an expectation that by the end of Year 2 the 2, 5 and 10 times tables are known and learnt fluently. Anything you can do to continue securing that knowledge and quickly recall linked division facts is fantastic.
Just like in school, give them some independence and responsibility for their learning at home. Here are a few ways you can start giving them some responsibility at home:
If your child is not very organised, then taping a list by the door or to a lunch box works well, as does getting equipment ready the night before.
Another simple thing that you can do as a parent is to be a good example. Never say: ‘I was no good at spelling at school!’ Never tell your child: ‘Go to Dad and let him help you with your maths because he is better than me.’
Children need adults to show them that learning is fun, relevant, and enjoyable – and difficult sometimes. Does it matter if you don’t know the answer? Of course it doesn’t. Instead, look it up together and show that you want to find things out too.
Finally, remember that even in Class 2 your child will still need some down-time playing outside or reading a much-loved book. Let them be silly. Let them dress up. Play board games together.
So that’s it – Class 2 at a glance.
Have a lovely, happy, and most of all fun year.