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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!
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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!

Uniform Information

Our uniform supports our ethos, core values, attitiudes, beliefs and culture of promoting positive relationships and behaviour.  Climate and ethos are key determinants in promoting social and emotional wellbeing and mental health for all in school. 

A culture where children feel included, respected, safe and secure and where their achievements and contributions are valued and celebrated, is essential to the development of good relationships. 

Children eagerly earn badges (which they wear on their blazer lapels) awarded for their efforts and achievements.

Uniform supports school 'connectedness' and a feeling of being accepted, respected and bonded to the school environment.  Children look good and it makes them feel good - confident and keen to try and work hard.  

For these reasons (and many more) we have a very affordable, smart School Uniform that our children wear with pride.



Most items of our school uniform can be economically bought/ ordered online from high street shops.  The few items bearing the school logo can be ordered online from Brigade Clothing Limited.


Please use the link below to order


We will keep a small selection of items in school for the purpose of trying on for size.


We will keep ties, bookbags and water bottles in stock in school. These can be purchased from the school office and paid for via ParentPay.

The ties and bookbags are also available from Brigade.

The water bottles, bearing the school logo, are only available via the school office.


The optional school sports hoodies are from a local company and are not available through Brigade Clothing Limited. Please order these through the school office using email


Please see the uniform checklist for your child's class for details of our school uniform requirements.

The deadline for ordering uniform from Brigade for delivery before the start of the school year is Friday 26th July 2024.

Uniform Checklist

Fundraising - FOS can earn commission for orders placed with Stikins for name labels for uniform. Please use the below website address and raise money for the school. The school's fundraising number is 15001


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