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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!
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Osmaston CE(VC) Primary School

Where Everyone is Important!

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3


Class Teacher - Mrs. Orton

Teaching Assistants - Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Etherington.


Mrs Orton, Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Etherington, and the children of Class 3 welcome you to our class page.
We use this page to share our fun and exciting learning journey!
Here's where you'll find class information and photos of what we've been up to.

Class 3- 2023-2024

Cricket Skills

Learning about the rhythm of salsa music

Christmas Celebrations

King’s coronation celebrations

Forest school

History lesson- who should be king? (1066)

Red Nose Day

Class 3 Forest School

World book day including design a kite competition

Christmas Jumper Day

Class 3 enjoyed a fantastic Christmas dinner. They also made a class Advent wreath to display the prayers they have written.

Children in Need

Year 2 enjoyed using water to test different materials to identify which are waterproof and which materials are not waterproof

We have been enjoying reading The owl who was afraid of the dark. We were all very excited to meet Benny, who was very kindly brought in to meet us by a local falconer.

Macmillan coffee morning

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